Jamie Oliver Research Paper

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Introduction Jamie Oliver is not just a lovable British chef celebrity, he is a revolution in the modern world of food. He is known as a food campaigner and a TV star, who had a great success, regardless of his childhood background and poor scores in high school. It is a story, which is an example of achieving something you really desire when all you have is youth and passion for what do. When BBC airs The Naked Chef TV show, Oliver gained a great popularity and success on British televisions. Furthermore, he achieves success in his TV shows, DVDs and books. His main plus is that people trust him and his products. He had over 20 TV shows, which are now broadcast in over 100 countries. Jamie is a bestselling…show more content…
He started to work in the kitchens of the River Café Restaurant. This gave him a foundation to develop his early skills and to draw a decent salary. This is where his carrier story begins. Hereafter, Jamie Oliver achieved great success in his first launched TV show The Naked Chef in 2009. His aim was to appeal to young people to start enjoying eating healthier food. He developed his personal approach through his shows and books, which brought him success. His concept was to help people and to give them more than they expect. The programme style was appealing to its audience, it provided people with an inspiration to cook and produce healthier food. Jamie developed a no-nonsense approach to food. His charm, energy, charisma and youth that he could offer people, won over the hearts of people after appearing in The Naked Chef. Success of the show won him a BAFTA awards for the best TV series in the Features Category in 2000. His key of gaining peoples love and trust and to become a guide in cookery, - is his passion and ambitions for food. Jamie Oliver was changing people’s live though food. By publishing his first book The Naked Chef, he gained more audience and popularity. Furthermore, he launched other TV shows and published bestseller books,…show more content…
The process involves creating a unique name, design and style for a product for the consumers, mainly through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme. Its main aim it to attract more people and to retain loyal customers through establishing a differentiated presence in the market. The important function of branding is the creation of a product that is not easily copied by its competitors and is easily distinguished from another sellers in the eyes of the consumers. Creating a strong brand permits its customers to develop associations that eases the purchase decisions in the market places. As a part of a business and marketing strategy, branding, is an expensive process and takes time. Brand creates a name, design, any image or feature of a particular product or service that consumers connect with, by identifying the name, slogan, logo of the company. Products and services are marketed so, that they recognizable by many people. It allows organisations to build their reputations and company asset, as well as to expand its companies and to add value to their revenues. Branding is about putting your products on the market as the only one that provide a solution to customer problems and satisfaction to their wants and needs. Consistent and

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