Ayurvedic Medicine Case Study

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Ayurvedic Medicines Information parted by company Representatives to doctors. Table 6.7: According to doctors knowledge parted by company representatives for three Ayurvedic Medicines. Representatives detailing for Ayurvedic Brands. All respondents % (n=350) Detailing % Do not-detail % Liv 52 59.8 31.6 19.5 Rheumayog 26.7 54.9 31.4 Adulsa 13.5 30.8 14.0 All interactions listed are well-reported potential or actual interactions Source: Primary data. Table 6.8: Lack of knowledge due to detailed for the brands and or uncertainty about information for three Ayurvedic medicines. Doctors’ knowledge and hence the recognition for the brand. (n=350) % reporting for incomplete information % reporting for complete information. Liv 52 0.3 58.9 Rheumayog 1.4 59.4 Adulsa 11.2 49.7 Source: Primary data. Ayurvedic medicines information use This section explores general practitioners’ use of information on AMs in terms of the frequency of information seeking, the types of information and the way information is sought, and the utility of currently available resources. Frequency of needing Ayurvedic medicines information Thirty percent of doctors reported seeking or needing Ayurvedic Medicine…show more content…
Doctors’ respondents listed 226 favorite websites, with the most popular shown in Table 6.10. The clear favorite for finding information on Ayurvedic Medicines was the search engine Google. Searching for the name of the Ayurvedic Medicines was the most common technique mentioned, followed by trying to choose the best site, although some commented that this could be difficult. The majority of doctors were generally wary of Ayurvedic Medicines information present on the Internet, with 86% stating only some or none of the information on the Internet was

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