there were still complications. Ratification gave grounds to voting from all states this means there are different ideologies on how governing a country should be. Some of these Ideologies that interfered were ignorance, tyranny, and a lack of Bill of Rights. The biggest battle ground for ratification was ignorance. The whole reason this ratification process took so long to take off is because antifederalists ignorantly debated points that had already been discussed between federalists. Federalists
Adoptive Parents Should get Maternity/Paternity Leave An Argumentative Essay by Nina Blanton Adoptive parents need to know who their new children are, and they can’t do that if they need to go straight back to work. Children need to know who their new parents are, and they can’t do that if the parents have to go straight back to work. There is a law called the Family Medical Leave Act, which allows leave for adoptive families, among other situations. “The FMLA allows people that have worked
Edison State College Gay Marriage Introduction The modern society is challenged with the issues of equality. The question about equality of rights of gays is one of the most controversial political and social issues. This argumentative essay is focused on different perspectives on this question. Currently, the New York State Senate and the law approved a right of gays for marriage. Therefore, it is possible to claim that gay marriage is promoted and legalized throughout the country in the course of
Argumentative Essay Are you informed of the distracted driving dangers on the road? It is important to note that surprisingly drinking and driving isn't the largest cause of car accidents and deaths! The list of distracted driving varies from changing the radio station, eating, and talking to passengers. In these past four years there has been a decrease of drinking and driving in this new generation. This new generation has brought new difficulties and problems on the road mainly being cell phone
Hubert Amilcar February 26, 2014 ENC 1102 MWF (8:00) Argumentative Synthesis Essay Hate-Crime Laws: Human Rights or A Hint Of Compassion A hate-crime is defined as “a crime in which the criminal is motivated by bias against the particular group to which his or her victim belongs (Update: Hate-Crime Laws).” Hate-crime laws were implemented during the year 1969, after numerous attacks on certain groups of citizens. Hate-crimes are motivated by a bigoted bias towards one of eight characteristics of
Roseline Gondo 1-17-18 Mr. Reilly Argumentative essay Racism within colorism Imagine being discriminated against because you had a darker skin tone. Picture people calling you names like “charcoal”, “tart”, “dirt” constantly degrading you because of a simple factor that you couldn't control. Sad but true that colorism still exist in America today. It never stopped, if anything it got worse as people made you choose if you were on #teamlightskin or #teamdarkskin. As if they weren't all