Social And Cultural Factors That Affect Sanitation

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3.0 The Social and Cultural factors that influence a sanitation project Sanitation can best be defined as the way of collecting and disposing of excreta and community liquid waste in a germ-free way so as not to risk the health of persons or the community as a whole (WEDC, 1998). Sanitation systems properly designed, may not necessarily be appropriate for a group of people when relevant factors like social and cultural practices affecting sanitation and hygiene are not taken into account. Lack of sanitation facilities may be attributable to government, poverty, or other factors but community members are responsible for most of the factors that affect their environment and health. This is evident in communities who prefer the use of water for toilet hygiene as against the paper rolls…show more content…
Where the people are low income earners, provision of proper toilet facilities become a challenge. There is barely enough to feed the large families of these settlers which leaves little or no room for the provision of these facilities. People result to using the alternative of open defecation in the bush or along the beach which have no cost implications. There is therefore the need to subsidise a greater percentage of these projects and leave little or no cost at all to the end users for whom these projects are undertaken. 3.3 Educational level: Areas which experience poor sanitation problems also have the problem of less formal education of its dwellers. This may mean that the people lack the knowledge in making informed decisions about health promoting practices. Without education one would not value the usefulness of provision of proper toilet facilities as against open defecation. Where these sanitation facilities are made available, proper management is absent due to the lack of education which sometimes leads to toilet wars or conflicts. 3.4 Household

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