Metaphors In Siddhartha

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Thinking of the first part of Siddhartha we will note a lot of symbolism in the work. Noted in the first few chapters we see a lot metaphors pointing toward Siddhartha turning away from the path of the mind. Towards the middle we see him slowly starting to reject these ideals through key words associated negatively in our minds being related to the path of the mind. Especially toward the end key words are used to sort of null the path of the mind, striking the (probable) last blow to the path of the mind. Noting all of this we can learn and appreciate how Herman Hesse slips these words into the work for a subtle effect. We note that in the first bit of the story Siddhartha is generally focused on achieving more knowledge. Some metaphors include a reference to kindling a fire, or filling a empty vessel. Such metaphors are used to put the idea in the readers head that the path that he's going on is a kind of good or righteous path. We note that he also references a thirst for spiritual release, which shows he needing to go on this righteously noted path. A final concept is the use of a arrow as a metaphor representing the speed of a Brahman's concentration and the ultimate representation of how fast the change of Siddhartha's path happened.…show more content…
Govinda assisted in this concept of the viewings of the samanas by being referenced as Siddhartha's Shadow, but we don't consider that sometimes a shadow doesn't have to be behind a person to be a shadow. A good example I can point to is that Govinda understood and accepted the teachings he was offered and in that sense was further toward enlightenment than Siddhartha was. Thus we see Govinda was bigger than Siddhartha, and casted a larger

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