How Does Shakespeare Use Dramatic Irony In Romeo And Juliet

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Most couples do not consider themselves in love on the first day that they meet, or get married on the third day; it usually takes years, if not decades. The first year or so in a relationship, most people are just getting to know their significant other. However the main characters Romeo and Juliet in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” got married on the third day that the knew each other. When Romeo and Juliet first meet, they instantly think that they are in love. And yet, even though there are many complications to their “love”, they still continue to see each other. They feel as if they need to get married as soon as possible. This newfound love ends quickly when Juliet does the unthinkable to stay true to Romeo and causes them both to commit suicide. Shakespeare uses Characterization and Dramatic Irony in order to show…show more content…
He uses dramatic irony because the characters in the story think that Juliet has died in her sleep, while the readers know that Juliet took a temporary sleeping drug. Juliet took this sleeping drug because she wanted to stay faithful to romeo. Doing so, the Capulet family buries Juliet while she is still alive. Unfortunately, Romeo hears about the “death” because the person who was meant to deliver the message was not able to. Romeo immediately wants to kill himself when he hears the false news. Meaning, Romeo doesn’t think he can live without Juliet. When Romeo got to the tomb and saw Juliet lying dead, he knew he had to commit. Romeo then takes the poison and dies. When Juliet wakes from her sleep she sees Romeo dead and is confused. When the Friar explained what has happened, she takes Stabs herself and collapses to her death next to Romeo. This means that they did not think they could live part and they took thing to the worst. If Romeo and Juliet would have known each other longer, they might have told their parents about their love and none of this would have

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