Are Angels Bad

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Not all angels are good-natured and not all devils are bad in the world. But, according to the Bible and other , angels have been evaluated as good and kind beings because they are the God’s messengers. In other hand, devils have been evaluated as bad and false-hearted beings because they betrayed, insulted and offended the God. However, is it really true? In many western movies like ‘Constantine’, and ‘The mortal Instruments: City of Bones’, some of angels were described as bad, and horrible beings. Furthermore, the main-good character is a devil in ‘The Hell Boy’, ‘The Horns’, and ‘Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance’. Then, is the Bible wrong? Or were these theories about them made by human’s faith? To find the truth, these theories about angels…show more content…
Although the Bible has said that they are betrayers against the God and they are bad, in many western movies they are described as not bad being. For example, in ‘The Hell Boy’, one red devil called as ‘Hell Boy’, tried to save the world. And he can feel the emotion like ‘love’. Also, He had his foster father, lover, and friends and communicated with them like usual human. Through communications with them, he experienced various feelings, and became good, and kind being. Although the bad characters tried to use him as an weapon that kills and offends people, at last his nature remember his good emotions. Second, in ‘The Horns’ the main character, ‘Igg’ originally was a general man. But, after the murder that his girl friend was killed, he had two horns on his head, and became the loner in his town. Furthermore, his families didn’t want to see him because they thought he is the murderer. As a result, he became a real devil. Although ‘Igg’ didn’t want to become the devil, his society thought him as a murderer, and changed him to a devil. The key point in this movie is that society can make one people as a devil. Also, this example shows us how horrible the reckless faith is. As a result, not all devils are bad. And last, in ‘Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance’, the main character also the learned devil like ‘Igg’ of ‘The Horns’. He became the devil because one wicked devil stole his spirit. Instead, he received an odd ability. But, he didn’t act like the devil in the Bible. He helped the half-blood devil boy ‘Danny’ to survive his life. And although he couldn’t control his ability, he tried to save the world with him using his power. At last, he defeated evils who try to kill ‘Dan’, and became hero. So, not all devils are
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