Nicole Helget's Still Water

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When a woman is growing up, she dreams of the day she gets to have a wedding. They spend most of their young lives dreaming of this special occasion. How do you prepare for that special day? Or when a man needs money and has to have his wife help him earn it? How do you think that makes him feel? When you read Nicole Helget’s novel Stillwater, you will better understand the answers to these questions. Bruce Anders expresses his thoughts on the forty-first and forty-second chapters that I tend to disagree on. In his presentation of Helget’s Stillwater’s forty-first and forty-second chapters, Anders states some of his opinions. Anders first starts off by saying,"Angel needs to self medicate. She feels the need to escape, she has experienced…show more content…
One of the first things I disagree on with Anders is when he quotes, “Angel needs to self medicate. Her adoptive mother had been using for years poisons and Ether is what Angels adoptive mother accidentally killed her first baby with.” Angel needs to self medicate. She feels the need to escape, she has experienced this escape through her mothers doings” (Helget 257). I disagree with Anders because I think Angel has possibly became addicted to taking pills. The narrator says, “She meant to calm her nerves but perhaps had overindulged” (Helget 257). I think to myself how can someone be drugged up on their wedding day? This could possible turn into an addiction. Anders tells us that her adoptive mother had been using for years. There is a possibility that Angel could pick up bad habits from her adoptive mother. Another disagreement I have with Anders is when he cites “Angel looked to her right, at the stocky man with graying hair at his temples, and giggled” (Helget 257). Anders comments on this by saying,“Here is an incredibly young girl, who is being married to an older man. I think this contributes to her feeling trapped a bit” I disagree with Anders because I think that Angel is just nervous and does not feel trapped. The narrator says that “She felt woozy. Thomas Lawrence reached over and put his hand on her back to steady her. She giggled again” (Helget 257). I think that Angel is young but she is happy to be getting

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