Applied Behavior Analysis (DTT)

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Discrete Trial Training (DTT) Discrete Trial Training is commonly used within Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) but it is important to note that ABA is not Discrete Trial Training. ABA uses DTT as one method of teaching but there are many other methods used within ABA as well. DTT is a specific methodology to maximize learning. It is used for developing most skills including communication, cognitive, play, social and self help. Discrete trial training (DTT) is simply good teaching. It is not a teaching strategy that is used only for teaching language or only used for teaching young children with Autism. ABA teaching methodology enables the child with Autism to acquire complex skills and behaviors by first mastering the subcomponents of the…show more content…
ABA is behavioral, not academic and cognitive improvement is not a concern in DTT. Poorly trained ABA therapists may inadvertently cause robotic behavior and speech patterns in autistic children. Although the DTT methodology is an integral part of ABA-based programs, other teaching strategies based on the principles of behavior analysis such as Natural Environment Training (NET) may be needed to address these more complex skills. There are 4 stages to teaching that should be planned for when developing instructional goals and intervention strategies: 1. Acquisition – this is the primary learning of the skill with the help of strong reinforcers. 2. Fluency – this is the frequency and pace at which a skill can be performed after acquiring that skill. 3. Maintenance – this is the capacity to perform the skill in the long…show more content…
Antecedent/Instruction (SD) – Discriminative Stimulus 2. Behavior/Response (R) 3. Prompt/Prompting stimulus (SR) 4. Consequence/Reinforcing Stimulus (SR) 5. Inter-trial interval (ITI) Antecedent The antecedent initiates a discrete trial. “Touch the nose” is an antecedent and it is very simple instruction. Antecedent can be non verbal also such as like showing a photo or card with somebody touching the nose. When writing out the discrete trial, all of the teacher’s actions would be written out as the antecedent. Response The response, sometimes called the “target behavior” comes after both the antecedent and the prompts. The behavior can be either the child touching the nose or not responding exactly. The child within five seconds either touches the nose or not doing it at all or touching the nose in an appropriate manner. Prompts Prompts are supplemental teaching aids and there are numerous types that could be used. In the case of touching the nose, the prompt shall be the instructor guiding the child to touch the nose with child’s own hand and finger or showing how to touch the nose by examiner himself. Verbal and Gestural prompts can be used to produce a

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