Transtheoretical Model Of Lifestyle Change

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There are several health interventions in place to assist people in making positive lifestyle changes. These models of health change are usually based on stage models of behavioural change. These models provide us with an approach to help us in understanding, predicting and changing health behaviours (Prochaska and Velicer, 1997). For the purpose of this assignment I chose to adopt a healthier lifestyle by engaging in exercise 4 times a week as well as eating healthier. Throughout this personal reflection, I will be evaluating my experience of behavioural change in regards to the models of behavioural change with specific adherence to the transtheoretical model of change. There is no overall agreement regarding which is the best model for…show more content…
Motivation was an issue for me even when I was exercising regularly. I found that my motivation would fluctuate when I was in a bad mood or when other factors such as college, the weather and other commitments made it easy for me to be demotivated to exercise or to eat healthier. In the preparation stage people believe that changing their behaviour will allow them to live a healthier life and they begin to take small steps towards behavioural change. Whilst in the action stage people have taken steps to modify their behaviour and acquired new healthy behaviours usually within the past 6 months. I found that I fluctuated from the stage of ‘action’ to the stage of ‘preparation’ quite frequently when I had other commitments to maintain. Even with support from peers to go for a run and I simply didn’t want to exercise at times and easily fell into my old habits. However I often found that ‘regret’ motivated me. If I didn’t exercise during the day I would regret it that night which motivated me to work harder the next day. According to the TTM factors such as self-efficacy and situational temptations may have had an impact on my behaviour (Prochaska and Velicer, 1997). The TTM describes behaviour as being structured and cognitively coherent however my fluctuating motivation demonstrates that my behaviour did not always adhere to the…show more content…
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