Anne Hutchinson Woman

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The author, Anne Broadstreet is known for her writings of poems during the puritan era. There is one particular poem that stuck out, showing what the people were going through, In Honour of That High and Mighty Princess, Queen Elizabeth. Broadstreet realized the same aspects that Anne Hutchinson did, that men were the primary leaders. Then the time when Queen Elizabeth took throne, Broadstreet saw it as a time of conquer. She wrote this poem honoring Queen Elizabeth’s strong leadership. Yet Queen Elizabeth was not the first woman to take the throne, Queen Mary, also known for Bloody Mary for all the killing she had part in, was the first Queen in England. Queen Mary was not a very nice Queen that everyone looked up to, that is because of…show more content…
In 1634, Hutchinson left her birth place of England, and headed to Massachusetts. She left England because of a man known of John Cotton, the leader of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Anne Hutchinson was so well known because she stepped up and vocalized the religious word, even though women of that era would only go and listen to the sermon spoken by the men. It all started out with the formal female neighbors. When they would get together Anne Hutchinson saw it as an opportunity to preach. Her decision of not letting the social norm of just men being able to tell the word of God, led her into some trouble. In 1637 and 1638, she went to trial. It is known that her trials showed Anne Hutchinson’s true mental stability. After the trials the Hutchinson family left the Massachusetts Bay Colony and traveled to the Narragansett Bay. Not long after, in 1643, the entire Hutchinson family was killed when an indian tribe raided the colony. Using this information you can see a woman who did not blend into society, she was strong and did not let her gender stop her…show more content…
Goodhue told the children to look at Jesus as a sacred idol, not an evil entity, she also reminded the children to obey their father. But when she writes to her husband she asks him to give her father and mother a specific child, the baby that she delivered while she passed away, and also her cousin a child named John, which showed that the woman had power over the children. She then goes back to reminding her children and her husband to love and look to God. Reading the letter you can use the writing of a remembrance of how strong the relationship between God and not just the women, but also men of New
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