Summary Of Preacher And Prayer By E. M. Bounds

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Summary Preacher and Prayer is a book that was written by E.M. Bounds. In this book, Bounds explains the importance of prayer in the life of a pastor. This book is rich with details about why a pastor should dedicate time to prayer. The book is divided into twenty different chapters that take a look into the role of prayer, in the life of a pastor. The first few chapters is a call for the paster, to live a life full of prayer. Bounds talks about how without prayer in the life of a pastor, the preacher is dead. This leads to the pastor’s preaching, destroying the lives of his congregation. For a preacher to be successful he needs the fire of God in his life. This fire comes from time spent with God in prayer, according to Bonds. Later in the book Bounds explains that the office of the pastor needs to be a prayer closet. It is important for the pastor to spend time in prayer, as he prepares his sermon. His office should be Jacobs ladder, a place where God speaks and gives the pastor a message to share. He also talks about the use of short prayers. He thinks that short prayers are very important in certain places, but these short prayers come from the preacher spending hours in prayer before hand.…show more content…
Bounds explains in this chapter, that true devotion to God comes from time in prayer. In the next few chapters, Bounds explains that a preacher must have heart centered on God. He believes that without prayer the preacher cannot have a God centered heart. For a preacher to deliver a great sermon it must come from a heart focused on God. The last few chapters deal with leadership of the church and their use of prayer. Bounds talks about how great leaders devote themselves to prayer. Bounds explains how great works of God, are done my devoted men of

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