Anne Bradstreet's To My Dear And Loving Husband

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ANNE BRADSTREET´S POETRY 1. Introduction This assessment is going to be about Anne Bradstreet´s poetry. The main aspects and motives of her poetry, and her relation with the world where she lived are going to be introduced. It is also interesting to have a brief idea about what happened in her life, as her poetry is a reflection of her own experiences. 2. Biography Anne Bradstreet was born in 1612 in England. When she was sixteen she married Simon Bradstreet. She was part of the crew who immigrated on the “Arabella” to America. When she arrived to the New World, she established a great family and a wonderful marriage; blending her duties as a puritan house-wife, with the creation of lots of poems that would positioned her as one of the first poets of the New World. (Lancashire, Ian) 3. Love poetry…show more content…
A. Style and format Focusing on love poetry, first of all, it will be analysed the main aspects of Anne Bradstreet´s “To my Dear and Loving Husband”. Firstly there is an anaphora on the first three verses. This gives more importance to these verses in the poem, catching the attention of the reader. In the last of these verses, the iambic rhythm is broken, creating suspense. It is then followed by an advice: “Compare with me, ye women if you can”. This verse suggests another addressee of the poem: it is call to every woman who dares to think that her marriage is not the happiest. Another important element in the poem are hyperbolic metaphors. There is an example in line 7, where her love and passion create the image of an unextinguished fire. She is thirsty of his love and nothing but him can satisfy her. Also, in line 9 she says: “thy love is such i can no may repay”. In this way, she is looking at her husband up from above (Woodlief, Anne). B. Addressees and type of
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