Harriet Beecher Stoowe Analysis

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Many individuals consider death to be life’s greatest mystery. Others consider it to be where do words go after they are erased. However, neither of these quandaries are the greatest mysteries in life. Love is life’s greatest mystery. Love is all consuming and addicting. It is euphoria and anger at the same time. Love is a combination of every emotion imaginable mixed together. Love is an emotion no human fully understands and yet they all constantly seek it out. “One great thing literature can do --it can make us identify with situations and people far away,” Chinua Achebe said this is an interview. His quote explains why love is such a major theme in literature; humans want to understand their feelings. They want to know how others react and cope with them. Because love is such an intriguing emotion for humans of all time periods authors Anne Bradstreet, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Edgar Allan Poe have all shed light on the subject in three very different ways in their works “To My Dear and Loving Husband,” Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and “Annabel Lee.” Anne Bradstreet’s “To My Dear and Loving Husband” describes her immense love for her husband. “To My Dear and…show more content…
In chapter seven, Harriet gives a very detailed description of Eliza and the river she crosses (Stowe 789). Stowe uses imagery to implant ideas and images onto the readers mind. Another literary device Stowe uses is literary dialect (“Literary Techniques”). Instead of each individual character sounding the same as the others, the characters each have a unique sound to them (“Literary”). Stowe wrote the dialect in her book to just like slaves talking when read aloud (“Literary”). Additionally, Stowe uses point of view to get her point across to the reader (“Literary”). The change in point of view allows the reader to have an understanding of the feelings of the main characters throughout the book

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