Anne Bradstreet Research Paper

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Anne Bradstreet was the first woman to be recognized as an accomplished poet in the New World in the 1600’s and is still considered to be one of the most important poets in early America. Her work symbolizes both her Puritan and feminine ideals and appeals to a variety of readers. During her time, American Puritan culture was unstable, with various types of social, political and religious powers that were competing publicly. Her poetry is written on the reality surrounding her and her personal and Puritan life. Anne Bradstreet’s individualism lies in her choice of material rather than in her style. Bradstreet uses her poetry to act on her individualism in a time where that was frowned upon and focuses more on the content of the poetry rather…show more content…
Bradstreet wrote poetry that showed her commitment to the art of writing. “In addition, her work reflects the religious and emotional conflicts she experience as a woman writer and as a Puritan” (Poetry Foundation).With religion being such a large importance in Bradstreet’s life, she was often concerned with the issues surrounding sin and redemption, death and immortality, and physical and emotional facility. “As a Puritan she struggled to subdue her attachment to the world, but as a woman she sometimes felt more strongly connected to her husband, children and community than to God” (Poetry…show more content…
1632,” which was written in Newtown when she was only nineteen in 1632, and it shows her concerns of being Puritan, the shortness of life, the inevitability of death and the belief in salvation (Poetry Foundation). This poem is not about the hypothetical of death, Bradstreet fell ill after her travel to the new country, and it was also reality for many travelers in the 17th century who ventured between the colonies and their homes. In that time period, the risk of contracting serious and deadly diseases such as scarlet fever, dysentery and small pox, was very high. She reminds the reader that, “All men must die, and so must I; this cannot be revoked. For Adam’s sake this word God spake” (Anne Bradstreet), because of Adam’s choice to eat the apple in the Garden of Eden, the world is cursed with morality. She goes on to describe the brevity of life and inevitability of

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