Ancient Greece Research Paper

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WORSHIP IN ANCIENT GREECE In ancient Greece, people worshipped in a polytheistic manner, or worshipping of more than one god. Many gods ruled the earth together, although some were more powerful than others. There was a direct relationship between the Greek rituals and the God's gifts in return. Greece was united through religion, and further able to "understand" what they believed to be true at that time. Many rulers of Greece ruled with this religion in mind, and many of their rules are because of this religion. TEMPLES AND SHRINES Temples were a large part of religion for the greeks. Shrines and temples were often located on large hills, and sacrifices often took place here. It was believed that if people sacrificed things to the many gods, they would be rewarded in return…show more content…
This led to many worship services and rituals to honor all greek gods, and especially their patron god/goddess. A patron god or goddess was in charge of protecting a certain city-state, and bringing them success along with punishment when needed. For example, Athena was the patron god of Athens, and they loved her there. Many temples were created for her in hopes of good fortune and love from a goddess. MAJOR GODS We know that Ancient Greece was polytheistic, so they had many gods and goddesses, each one specialized in a certain aspect of life, such as Ares, the war god, or Hades, god of the underworld. There were many minor gods, but 12 very important major gods. These major gods lived together on mount olympus and ruled the Earth. The 12 gods and goddesses of mount olympus are as follows: Zeus, Hera, Athena, Apollo, Poseidon, Hermes, Aphrodite, Demeter, Ares, Artemis, Hades, Hephaistos and Dionysus. Gods and Goddesses were always having kids, and didn't always like each other. Fights between them broke out quite often. MYTHS AND
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