The Strengths And Weaknesses Of Philip II Of Macedonia

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Amid the first 50% of the fourth century B.c., Greek police, or city-states, stayed self-sufficient. As every police kept an eye on its own advantage, successive question and makeshift cooperations between opposing factions came about. In 360 B.c., an unprecedented individual, Philip II of Macedonia (northern Greece), came to power. In under 10 years, he had vanquished a large portion of Macedonia's neighboring adversaries: the Illyrians and the Paionians to the west and northwest, and the Thracians to the north and northeast. Phillip II organized, expansive changes at home and abroad. Advancements enhanced slings and attack apparatus, and also another sort of infantry in which each one warrior was furnished with a tremendous pike known as…show more content…
as a reason for his activities. Yet, humorously, Alexander regularly battled Greek hired soldiers while battling against Darius III. Considerably all the more incidentally, Sparta, a city which had broadly lost its above all else and 300 warriors in the Clash of Thermopylae amid a Persian attack endeavor, additionally restricted Alexander, set so far as to look for Persian help in their endeavors to oust…show more content…
Alexander was in Babylon, his next real military target clearly being Arabia at the southern end of his realm. In June 323 B.c., while he was preparing troops, he got a fever that would not go away. He soon experienced difficulty talking and in the end he passed on. Presently before this happened, he was evidently asked whom his realm ought to go to and his answer was said to be "to the strongest man." In spite of the fact that he had an unborn child, and as per latest research an illegitimate child named Argaeus, there was no one in number enough to hold his domain together. His commanders battled over his territory and at last it was isolated up into different

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