Ancient Egypt Research Paper

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Many scholars have discussed and commended the female and male relationship in Ancient Egypt, in regards to equality. However the idea of female and male equality in the ancient world is not a foreign notion to ancient civilizations in Africa. “In many ancient African societies women were highly honored and, in fact, wielded a considerable amount of power (O’Neal).” Women were valued in these societies due to their ability to bring life into the world, but also for their roles in the household and economy. It’s interesting that Obenga states that Ancient Egypt was the first country “to have truly guaranteed women a status equal to that of men.” Yet, thousands of years later, women throughout the world are still fighting for equality. The main…show more content…
The royal family is a great illustration of the importance of females in Egypt. Although males were typically the heads of the nation it was through the woman in which the royal bloodline was determined, which shows the value place upon women in Egypt. An example is between the Third and Fourth dynasty when King Senefru married an Egyptian princess, Hetepheres (Wimby, 37). It was only through his marriage to the royal blood line that he was able to legitimize his rule. Another significant person when discussing equality between men and women in Ancient Egypt is Hatshepsut. She was able to attain the highest position in Egypt by becoming ruler of the land. This paved the way for many queen to attain a place on the throne and replace their sons, husbands, and brothers. This is remarkable because women in other ancient civilizations had no rights, but in Egypt there were instances in which women were able to lead the entire…show more content…
“In a society, such as that of the Greeks, which completely excluded women from social, cultural, and political life, feared them and scorned them, misogyny not infrequently reached levels of particular intensity (Cantarella, 91).” Much of what we know about the roles of women in Ancient Greece come from male writers of that time. Women were seen as inferior and therefore the average woman was not afforded an education, and men depicted women to what they assumed. One of the superior voices of Ancient Greece Aristotle, also known for his major contributions to western thought, wrote about the place of women in his book Politics. He wrote that “between the sexes, the male is by nature superior and the female inferior, the male ruler and the female subject (Aristotle, 1.1254b).”Greek married women were secluded from the rest of their society and confined to the household. Due to the seclusion of Greek women they weren’t present in central public spaces such as political, judicial, economic, and cultural life. Under the law women in Greece were not allowed to inherit

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