Analysis Of IKEA

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IKEA is a multinational group of companies that designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture appliances and home accessories in world. Basically, any company or corporation that derives a quarter of its profit from operation other than its home country is considered a multinational corporation. Corporate risk is a part of every business, but it is important that a company knows how to deal with the impact of the negative risks. All the businesses in this world will experience different corporate risk regardless local corporations or international corporations. However, the risks suffer by multinational corporation always higher than local corporation because the globalization business will face many uncertainty and risky issue in severe situation.…show more content…
Political risk is the risk an investment’s returns could suffer as a net result of political unstable in a nation. Some of the political actions will benefits to our business and some of them will lead to descriptive financial position. For example, political decisions by governmental officers about taxes, floatation of currency valuation, trade tariffs in exporting and importing or barriers, investment, wage levels, labour laws, environmental regulations and development priorities, can deeply affect the business conditions and profitability. Generally, political risk can be categories into two groups which are macro-level political risk and micro-level political risk. Marco political risk would influence entire firms in host country regardless the industry in the country. Adverse actions of macro-level risk affect all foreign firm, such as government currency actions, regulatory changes, sovereign credit defaults, endemic corruption, war declarations and government composition changes. For the micro-level political risk only affects some industry or some firm business activities in the host country. Adverse action of micro-level risk such as enacts new strict environmental regulations on manufacturing sectors and enacts new regulation in construction industry. For IKEA in year 2012, IKEA announced a 1.5 billion euro investment in India on June 22 (Williams, 2012). At that moment,…show more content…
Globalisation has outpaced the ability of many organisations to manage the accompanying cultural shifts. The focus has been on overcoming legal, political, technological, and economic barriers, while cultural barriers are often unacknowledged or discounted. Cultural risks occur as the result of failing to adapt global business models to the local market, failing to identify regional and subculture differences, failing to adapt management practices across cultures and failing to understand local practise and issues. Sometimes, different in language can be one factor of the cultural risk. As past experience for IKEA, “Redalen”, a town in Norway after which a bed sold by the Swedish furniture chain is named, sounds similar to a sex act in Thailand (HOOKWAY, 2012). In that situation, IKEA facing cultural risk due to not fully understand the local language and culture. As a multinational corporation, it must be able to adapt the local culture and practise effectively to avoid the cultural
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