Ikea Sustainability Analysis

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WORKERS IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN In its sustainability report the company clearly states: “low price - but not at any price”. As we all know, the price is a fundamental trait of IKEA, which has always aimed at distinguishing for its convenience from competitors. At the same time, they want to take care of the “human” aspect of the production, having as objective the improvement of lives of people working at their suppliers. The vision is “to create a better life for many people” and this refers not only to the customers, but also to all the people that is involved in the IKEA processes. The areas of priority considered are: a code of conduct to be adopted “The IKEA way on purchasing home furnishing products, IWAY” stating the requirements in terms of social, environmental and working conditions. There are based on the Declaration of Fundamental principles and Rights at work by ILO (International Labour Organization) of 1998 and UN Declaration of Human Rights adopted in 1948 and the Rio Declaration of Sustainable Development, 1992. Inside the company there is a special forum in charge of issues related. It also collaborates with trade unions, organisations and authorities through the world, especially in order to prevent child labour that they consider unacceptable. Already in 2005, the company relied on 1300 suppliers from 53…show more content…
For example, to protect children fleeing fighting in Iraq, IKEA has worked with Save the children to help continue children’s education by setting up five temporary classrooms and using psychosocial support and creative learning opportunity. Besides, they helped set up temporary classrooms and provide back-to-school kits and teacher learning kits when schools and roads were damaged by Super Typhoon Haima in

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