Ames Room Research Paper

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An optical illusion (also called a visual illusion) is characterized by visually perceived images or views that can differ a ton from objective reality. Optical illusions have been around for centuries, teaching us that you shouldn’t fully trust your senses due to that we can easily be tricked. However, optical illusions can help us learn how easy it is to trick our brain to see an object that seems real but are unquestionably not. An example of a well-known visual illusion would be the “Ames Room”. An Ames room is a dimensional structure that was created by American ophthalmologist Adelbert Ames Jr. However, the very first Ames room was created in 1946, which was based of German scientist Hermann Von Helmholtz. When seeing through the peephole,…show more content…
However, this is not the case. What the person actually sees is a trapezoid shaped room, with walls slanted and everything else is on an incline and when you see a picture of the room, you’ll notice that the right corner is closer to the observer than the left corner. Ames room is not that complicated, but when people look through it, there is a problem. The person on the viewer’s left side is smaller than the person on the viewer’s right side. There are size differences due to the slant floor and roof that mess with the perception that the viewer is seeing. We will not notice that the perception we are seeing is not real, it is an optical…show more content…
Being the highest notable, The Lord Of The Rings film used several in sequences so some elves sizes can be corrected. When implemented in special effects, the viewers will see that the Ames room was used at all. In math, it is commonly used by using Bayes’ rule, which is to understand how the brain resolves ambiguous stimuli. By using this rule, we can figure the perception of an Ames room and figure out that all three people are the same size but just in different viewpoint. Studies have shown that the viewer’s view of the inside of the room tends to have blurriness . It has been concluded that it depends on emotions. This is known as the Honi Phenomenon. For example, when a husband’s wife is in the room , the husband will look into the room and if they have a strong bond for each other, visibility will ultimately be stronger. However, when emotions are not as strong, visibility tends to be blurred

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