American Roots In The Great Gatsby

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American Roots The New York Jazz Age has a profound influence on Nick as a character. At the opening of The Great Gatsby, Nick is characterized by the wholesomeness of Midwestern values as well as the purity of pre-Jazz Age America. As the novel continues, Nick’s degree of naivety dwindles as he becomes more and more influenced by the East and the progression of the 1920’s. He eventually becomes indicative of the setting, despite the dissonance with his morals. By the end of the book, Nick realizes that the overall Eastern culture does not align with his core values. This is representational of his increase in maturity and the onset of the 1930’s. This prompted his removal of In the beginning of the novel, Nick has not yet caught on to the chaos of the New York Jazz Age. He still has very much of a standard Midwestern vibe. This is signified by Nick’s self-proclaimed dedication to his father’s advice to…show more content…
The decade has reached its climax. Nick’s increase in age signifies his rejection of the New York Jazz Age. This prompts his return to the Midwest and disconnection from his remaining upper-class friends (Fitzgerald 186). Nick’s literal action of moving out of the East is representational of his detachment from the elite Eastern coastal area. Nick gets caught up in the flurry of New York, watching it transform his identity. In addition to being located in the East, which is characterized by extravagance, the time period is notably materialistic. At last, he reaches the juxtaposition that the ideals perpetuated by the environment do not correlate with his root values. His attraction towards the wealth of the Eastern coastal area and the fever of the Jazz Age has diminished. Nick comes to terms with his core values of honesty and simplicity. Thus, he resolves the internal conflict caused by the environment. He is no longer tolerant towards the actions and morals perpetuated by the New York Jazz
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