Windbreaker Book Report

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At the end of my book, I found out that Aaron-Rey Kordell was killed by the suspected police officers, and his family was given three-point-five million dollars and a public apology.The book reveals that Clement was Claire’s birthday serial killer and he ended up going to jail for the rest of his life. The final event that readers figure out is that the Windbreaker cops were actual cops within Lindsay’s department. Two of the men that were part of the gang were shot, one of them committed suicide, and the other went missing. The search to find out if Aaron-Rey Kordell was coerced into making a confession, the search for Claire’s birthday murderer, and the search to find who the murderers are in the Windbreaker cop case are the most important…show more content…
This search is important because if Lindsay and her team did not figure out who the Windbreaker cops were, the entire public population’s lives could be endangered. Lindsay and her partners, Brady, Jacobi, Conklin investigate the murders and try to figure out what group of cops is responsible for the 16 deaths. “Wolfe told us the robbers were cops, that the head dude’s tag was One, and that he was the boss of a six-man Windbreaker crew” (Patterson 307). Donnie Wolfe is a man who informed the holdup team when the drugs and money would be in the Wicker House. Jacobi also found that a witness to the crack house shootings saw a tattoo on the neck of one of the cops. This classification was just like Bill Brand’s tattoo. Conklin figured that Brand, Calhoun, and Robertson are Windbreaker cops, along with three other cops that they have not figured out yet. They suspected that Whitney and Swanson are both possible members of the Windbreaker cops because of Whitney’s relationship with Brand and the fact that Calhoun and Robertson reported to Swanson. With these suspicions, Lindsay decided to talk to Ted Swanson while Conklin would talk to Whitney. Swanson did not assist Lindsay with any new information that could help lead to something more. But just as Lindsay was leaving, Ted came out of his house wearing a SFPD Windbreaker. Vasquez, another possible member of the Windbreaker cops, had called Ted and told him that there were strange cars coming into his neighborhood. Lindsay and Ted got to Vasquez’s house as fast as they could, when they arrived, all they could hear was the sound of guns firing. Swanson bolted out of the car and suddenly dropped. Swanson did not die though, but Vasquez went missing. Lindsay, Brady, Jacobi, and Conklin came to the final conclusion that the six men that were part of the Windbreaker cops were: Brand, Calhoun, Robertson, Swanson, Vasquez,

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