Comparing The Boy In The Striped Pajamas And Ordinary People

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The advantage to reading mandatory books in school allows the reader to understand the characters, and learn from them. Since middle school all the way to high school, most American students are required to read certain books, and thanks to that I came across to The Boy In The Striped Pajamas by John Boyne, and Ordinary People by Judith Guest. These books not only left me speechless, but they also shaped me in some way into the person who I am. Starting in eighth grade, I came across to the book, The Boy In the Striped Pajamas, and it powerfully drove my interest for reading, and also developing a sense of sympathy to others. Along with that book, Ordinary People had a similar impact; It taught me to understand that struggles are part of life, and that there are others who might have similar experiences as mine. Throughout the years, I have learned that books have such…show more content…
The innocent voice from The Boy In The Striped Pajamas shares the story of two individuals who had no clue of what was going, yet the willingness of helping during tough times is incredible. This shows, despite the cruelty of this world, that there's good in some people. As a witness, I was drawn to understand the importance of sympathy. Growing up most often than not, people face harsh moments. Thanks to Conrad from Ordinary people, I grew up to understand that I wasn't alone, and to find a motive for improving my personal situation. Overall, these books have strongly influenced the person who I am today, who is someone that cares for others and sees their attributes. Even though, some kids at the age of thirteen are still learning to be mature, I was mature by respecting, and caring for others. Ultimately by sympathizing others, I realized how fortunate I was, by being thankful for the smallest aspects of my life. Through learning from characters, I stayed strong for those, like my father, who cared about

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