American Nurses Association Code Of Ethics

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Background and Significance In the past few centuries, the topic of abortion has been controversial and discussed to great lengths in both the media and politics. Because abortion is primarily seen negatively in the eyes of the public, this has caused quite a predicament from an ethical standpoint for both those that support abortion (pro-choice) and those that do not support abortion (pro-life). For those that argue on the pro-choice side believe that ultimately the decision of what happens to the woman’s body is theirs to make. Many pro-choice supporters argue that by giving the choice to the woman, this prevents them from having an unwanted child and protect the unborn child from any harm such as abuse or negligence. For those that argue…show more content…
A nurse’s opposition to carrying out certain types of care because of her ethical, religious, or moral principles can take precedence over that commitment as long as the nurse makes certain of the ongoing care of that patient. Under The American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, “ the nurse is justified in refusing to participate on moral grounds … the nurse is obliged to provide for the patient’s safety, to avoid patient abandonment, and to withdraw only when assured that alternative sources of nursing care are available to the patient” (Tillett, 2008). This differs from the Canada Nurses Association Code Ethics because in America, nurses are allowed to conscientiously object to participate in the termination of pregnancy. When nurses are refused the right to conscientiously object such as the L&D nurses in Canada, they can experience moral distress which could possibly lead to inner turmoil, frustration, and burnout; which in turn could negatively affect the nurse’s patient care. Although it is clear that nurses have the right to refuse based on the assumption of conscience; if done carelessly and unprofessionally then it could lead to punishment and even termination. Therefore it is the nurse’s responsibility to familiarize themselves of the correct policies and procedures that needed to followed. Literature Review The Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing performed a study to , “explore the psychosocial, education, and administrative support needs of labor and delivery nurses who care for women undergoing pregnancy termination (Parker, Swanson, & Frunchak, 2014).” The study took place in an hospital, specifically the L&D unit, in Canada; the ages ranged from 25-55 with the experience of the L&D nurses ranging from 1 to 30 years. Ethical

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