Victor Frankenstein Foil

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Novels are never simple fairytales of straight forward conversation. To truly understand all the aspects that make up a novel, one must read and analyze a piece to recognize the author’s main idea. Then that main idea is woven through settings, descriptions, dialogue, characters, and especially a character’s qualities. Frankenstein, Or The Modern Prometheus specifically presents a variety of characters in which their own characteristics emphasize the qualities of other characters in the novel, in other words, there are a multitude of foils. The best foil for Victor Frankenstein is indeed the creature he made himself. First and foremost, Victor Frankenstein has had everything handed to him throughout his entire life. Being born into a loving…show more content…
He specifically says, “I have committed deeds of mischief beyond description horrible, and more, much more (I persuaded myself) was yet behind” (Shelley 253). Indicating his corrupt lifestyle, Frankenstein refers to his life as his pilgrimage, a repercussion of his defiance to the laws of nature and his rejection of society. On the other hand, the creature Victor creates is born into isolation from all other life, “dependent on none and related to none,” to be abhorred and called a wretch (Shelley156). The creature continues to lead a miserable life in solitude, dreaming of leading a normal life, “but it was all a dream; no Eve soothed [his] sorrow nor shared [his] thoughts; [he] was alone” (Shelley 159-160). Not only did the creature have no companion, but no being was present to be labeled his creator, “But where was mine? He had abandoned me,” the creature recognizes (Shelley 160). Shelley puts the idea into simpler words when the creature exclaims, “Accursed creator! Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turned from me in disgust? God, in pity, made…show more content…
For example, he blames the deaths of Justine and William on the creature, which is ultimately in his hands, since he gives the creature life. He proceeds to blame his parents and foreshadow his destruction, when he states, “[I,] their child, the innocent and helpless creature bestowed on them by heaven, whom to bring up to good, and whose future lot it was in their hands to direct to happiness or misery” (Shelley 41). On the contrary, the creature has no problem taking responsibility for his actions. When he is spelling out his idea for a companion to Frankenstein, the creature says, “not I, but [Justine], shall suffer; the murder I have committed” and, “I grasped [William’s] throat to silence him, and in a moment he lay dead at my feet” (Shelley 173-174). He simply states the actions he commits without fear of consequence, whereas Victor pushes off responsibility onto whomever except himself. The creature’s ability to take responsibility for his actions displays Victor’s complex with
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