American Indians Research Paper

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American Indians Homes Wigwams are homes made and used by Algonquian Indians; Wigwams are made of large tree logs and bushes. A Wigwam is another word for “house”. Wigwams are good houses for Indians who like to stay in places for a long time. Wigwams are made of large tree logs and bushes. Wigwams were used when hunting season came; they were usually set up during winter camps. Longhouses are homes that were made and used by the Iroquois tribes. Longhouses are built like Wigwams, they are made of Elm bark and poles, but Longhouses are much larger than Wigwams. Longhouses are also good for Indians, who liked to stay in places for months at a time. Longhouses are very large and they take a long time to build so people usually lived…show more content…
Greens houses were really bad for the tribes who lived in colder climates but it was perfect for the Indian tribes who lived in warmer places. Weapons Spears were first developed by American Indians and were mostly used by the Central, North and South Indians. American Indians started using spears because they were faster and move further; they were used as missiles and Indians hunt with spears and as weapons towards intruders. Spears are made of lightweight wood and bones and stones. American Indians also used and built knives as weapons; Indian knives are made of sharpened stone, bones and sometimes cooper. Northwest tribes mostly used knives. They used them for cutting foods and also hunting, building and for…show more content…
Examples of southern Native American tribes who were expert farmers included the Hopi, Navajo, and Cherokee tribes. Native Americans from areas such as Mexico used advanced “farming techniques like irrigation, terracing, crop rotation, and planting windbreaks to improve their farms, and they usually harvested enough crops to dry and store for the winter.” Some northern tribes like the Lenape and Iroquois tribes planted crops in garden plots but did not harvest enough to last the winter. Besides food crops, Native American farmers often grew cotton, hemp, tobacco, and medicinal
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