Alice Walker Everyday Use Analysis

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The short story “everyday use “by Alice walker is about a mother and her two daughters named Maggie and Dee. The mother narrates the story as it goes on. Maggie is the conservative, shy daughter who stayed home with mama, while Dee went off to school and changed her lifestyle. Mama gets a letter that Dee will be coming to visit, which overjoys her. When Dee comes home she has changed her name, and brought her new boyfriend along. Dee wants to take the butter churn and family quilt to display it in her home. Maggie, who will be getting married, doesn’t say anything when Dee says she wants to take it, but mama had planned to give it to Maggie when she gets married. Maggie thought more of the quilt than Dee ever would, which caught mama’s eye.…show more content…
When mama first gets the letter from Dee that she will be returning, she is overjoyed. When Dee gets back and says she has changed her name mama begins to get irritated. Things begin to go downhill from there. Dee disrespects the home, their culture, and mama. Mama does not expect the treatment given from Dee. It has been five years since she had been home and she was just being very disrespectful. Mama describes Dee’s treatment towards her and Maggie as “She used to read to us without pity; forcing words, lies, other folks’ habits, whole lives upon us two, sitting trapped and ignorant underneath her voice. She washed us in a river of make-believe, burned us with a lot of knowledge we didn’t necessarily need to know.” Mama Likes the simplicity of her life and Dee comes in ruining their peace by saying other things are way better. She lowers Maggie’s confidence, and mama later realizes that. Dee arrives home and says things in the “nicest way possible” and treats her mother with such treatment that can also be interpreted differently, by the literary element allegory, as her “revenge” towards her mother for the life she gave her. She didn’t like her life, so she left. The way she treats mama is to show her that she got better and nicer things than mama ever could’ve given
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