Alexander The Great Research Paper

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Alexander the Great was thought of as a noble and celebrated figure in Ancient Greece. Alexander was as well trained academically as he was in the ways of war. He was thought to be a very effective military strategist and ruler. “Alexander the Great inherited a great mind and militarism. He was tutored by Aristotle. Contrary to his tutor, Alexander believed that there was nobility to be found in the “barbarians.” Consequently, he determined not to rule Persia as a Macedonian king, but as a king he would rule Macedonia and Persia” Alexander believed in intermarriage and he also believe in mixing races. He often promoted intermarriage among his followers.. These type of beliefs made him popular among some, while others believed that he was too…show more content…
He ruled as King of Macedonia from 336BC. Alexander had various important campaigns during his time as ruler. His campaigns against the Persian Achaemenid Empire and its ruler Darius III spread his dominance through the known world and cemented his status as a legendary figure in history. Alexander had many different motives for waging this war and utilized a variety of methods to achieve his success. Alexander sought revenge against the Persians. Alexander also desired Hellenistic unity and wealth. To achieve these goals he captured strategic ports; chose his battles carefully and utilized frontline leadership. Alexander employed divine legend and reputation; and adopted policies of conciliation and partnership whenever possible. He did not seek to just rule over the nations and people that he conquered, but he wanted them to trust in him as a leader and desired them to respect him. He was known for accepting some of his conquered as equals. Alexander the great considerably influenced the rise of Hellenism by his defeat of the Persian…show more content…
He was very determined and knew that because he wasn't born Greek, he first had to declare war on stubborn Greek cities in order to maintain power. “The reason Alexander was the sole influence on the rise of Hellenism, is because he used this power to conquer other territories in the name of Greece. One most important point is, if he did not win against the Persian Empire, he would not have been able to do this so greatly, and if he wasn't such a great military tactician, he would never have defeated the Persian Empire”. “The core of Hellenistic culture was essentially Athenian. The close association of men from across Greece in Alexander's army directly led to the emergence of the largely Attic-based "koine", or "common" Greek dialect. Koine spread throughout the Hellenistic world, becoming the lingua franca of Hellenistic lands and eventually the ancestor of modern
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