Gender Roles In Lady Macbeth

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Through history, women have been often portrayed as the weaker gender. Inequality between genders has been a big issue through history and without exception in the Elizabethan or Shakespearean time. Women had few rights, their proper sphere being the home. While men engaged in society and politics, women would tend to the house and children. Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare’s Macbeth contradicts the classic societal position of women; she is more dominant, ambitious, and influential than Macbeth. In Macbeth’s relationship with his wife, he does not act as the dominant partner. In a typical relationship the male is more dominant over the female. Throughout the play Lady Macbeth consistently shows dominance over Macbeth. Lady Macbeth begins…show more content…
In order to achieve what you desire you can wait for time to take its effect, or you can take matters into your own hands as long as you have a strong ambition. Ambition, or greed, was rarely exhibited by females in the Elizabethan time. The superficiality of the need to achieve more in life has caused issues throughout many historical and literary events. When the first two of three prophecies provided by the witches comes true, Macbeth wonders about the third; becoming king. The thought of becoming king intrigues Macbeth, and he says to himself: “If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me / without my stir.” (1.3.155-156). Macbeth shows that becoming king is definitely on his mind, however he feels he should become king without having a hand in how it happens. Macbeth feels that it would be wrong for him to take action. In the letter he writes to Lady Macbeth, Macbeth tells her about the Weird Sisters’ three prophecies, and becoming Thane of Cawdor; fulfilling the second prophecy. Unlike her husband Lady Macbeth is more keen on getting Macbeth to the throne the fastest way in order to fulfill final prophecy, rather than the path they should slowly but safely follow to become King and Queen. In a soliloquy she

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