Ulysses: A Very Brief Biography Of Ulysses

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Ulysses was a tall,strong, young farmer when the revolutionary war broke out. He was 7 feet tall, he could lift a house just on one hand. He was an amazing shot, being able to hit a can 2 miles away. Everything was happy in his life, until George Washington himself asked Ulysses to join the minutemen to help fight off the British. Ulysses was happy to join. He would have to leave his family, but it was worth it. He joined the military at the young age of sixteen. He was immediately sent to bunker hill so he could help out with the ongoing battle. He was greeted right away with fighting. He got his musket and stormed out onto the field, he took on 50 redcoats at a time and gave all the weapons to soldiers. He said “TIme to cook some lobster.” Then he ran to the harbor to take out the ships attacking his fellow soldiers. He took out one ship…show more content…
The guns he took didn’t have any ammo. He went back to the base camp and apologized for the incident. He was told that his effort to win that battle was outstanding. He was honorably discharged and he moved to what is now Texas. He took a long nap in an old spanish missionary. He woke up to fighting. The old spanish fort was being attacked. He was told by Davy Crockett that the spanish were trying to take back the fort that the missionaries tried to claim. He fought for 10 days straight. He was knocked out by some soldiers and left on the ground, Talk about kicking a man while he’s down. A few days later, he woke up and everyone was gone. He was sad that he lost and failed. He went to Gettysburg. Now, 106 year old, he didn’t have any fight left in him. He bought a house, got himself a nice farm and lived out his life. He was having a very happy life. Then one day,while reading War and Peace ,he heard fighting. Old Ulysses went out to see all the commotion. There were people in gray jackets, and people in blue jackets. He watched for about an hour and then he had

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