Solvents and detergents are important in a number of industries and most are derived from petroleum. There is increasing concern that prolonged contact with solvents causes health problems – for workers in the factories where solvents and detergents are produced, and for those using such substances in their everyday work. There are two additional drawbacks to these solvents and detergents: one day the crude oil from which they are derived will no longer be available; and they present a major waste
Problems with filtration Although filtration is a very important process in the purification of the fermentation product obtained, there are certain problems associated with it too. 1. The process of filtration is very slow and time consuming. 2. The process is relatively difficult to be performed. 3. Labor requirement is high. 4. It may result in the contamination of the product with the filter aid and equipment. So to counter that problem, we use other methods for the purification of our product
such as plants and microorganisms to produce and process material, chemicals, and energy . An example could be detergent. Industrial biotechnology modifies the actions of enzymes and microorganisms to improve the effectiveness of detergents so clothes can be washed at lower water temperatures . Washing at lower temperatures also results in more power efficiency. Similarly, laundry detergent has been made more eco-friendly and has solved phosphate water pollution problems in the 1970s . Industrial biotech
Introduction Pharmaceutics is the science of preparing and dispensing drugs. Drugs, specially vaccines and antibiotics contain proteins in the form of enzymes or antibodies as the active component. In most cases these foreign proteins can be dangerous or harmful in larger concentrations for the body. Therefore it is crucial for the accurate and precise estimation of the protein concentration in the final product. This estimation of proteins is not only important for the final product but it also
Eco Friendly Plantation Berhad also uses the refining process by-product to make soap, cosmetic and detergent. Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Oil (HPKO), Oleochemicals, and Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD) are the by-products of palm oil refining which use to produce soap cosmetic and detergent. The reasons Eco Friendly plantation Berhad decide to go international
Introduction: Currently cyclone separators are mainly used for the removal of particles from a spinning gas stream, using centrifugal force. It consists of a barrel upper section with a conical lower section and a smaller cylinder in the centre of it. The cylinder extends from the top to just below the entrance through which the air is discharged. The carrier gas stream enters tangentially at the top of the barrel portion of the cyclone and travels downwards into the cone portion of the cyclone
Introduction The revolution of technology has brought to human kind a lot of benefits. With the high development of technology people can do variety of things that years ago we just dared to dream about it. However, the sources of energy that human uses still rudimentary. Many kind of fossils like coal, oil,…in the earth’s womb are exploited and they are not clean for our environment. The process of plantation and shipping both leave consequences which not also hardly to deal with but also affect
packaging the world over and possible effects on consumers and marketing. It touches on sources of competitive advantage and generic competitive strategies. The consumer decision making process and is highlighted. This chapter also highlights strategy and ethical behavior. Global trends and emerging challenges are also discussed. Competitive advantage According to Porter (1985) competitive advantage stems from characteristics that allow
CHAPTER-2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1) Chronic wound and quality of life Wound healing, one of the typical organic process in the human body, accomplished through four unequivocally and exceptionally customized stages known as hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and remodeling. It is vital that all these four stages must happen in the best possible grouping and time allotment for an injury to heal effectively. Intrusions or prolongation in the process prompts delayed injury healing or a non-healing
decline with its age. Organic growth beyond certain size or age is a big challenge and hence inorganic growth gains significance. Inorganic growth means growing through mergers and acquisitions. The inorganic growth also comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. A preference for growth through mergers and acquisitions (i.e. inorganic growth) started somewhere around the late 1890s. The mergers and acquisitions activities across the globe have taken occurred in merger waves as documented in the