Advantages And Disadvantages In Sweden

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Sweden is a country located in the north of Europe with almost 10 million inhabitants. The country is a monarchy and a part of the European Union. As a citizen of Sweden you are very privileged of wealth and welfare and there are not many reasons of why you should leave such a stabile country . This is something that not all citizens of the world are fortunate to be a part of but, has a chance to be. Since the WWII a lot of immigrants and refugees has come to Sweden, almost 2 000 000 people . It is a big differentiation when it comes to where people come from. In the 1980s people from South America, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey, Somalia and Eritrea came to seek asylum. In the beginning of 1990s around 100 000 people fled from the…show more content…
One of them is the health system that works in the way that if you are under 18 years old you do not have to pay anything for either health care or dental care, this because it is mostly funded by the county council and taxes that everybody has to pay. Adults have to pay but only a tiny part of its actual cost because of the taxes but how much you have to pay depends on where you live . The Swedish society and welfare is a lot based on all the taxes that you have to pay every month which is to give everybody an equal chance to education and in general a good life. It works in the way that people that earn more money have to pay higher taxes, which has been a matter that has been well-discussed . If a person come to Sweden they have the opportunity to learn Swedish for free. All education in Sweden is for free and all children has a compulsory school attendance until the age of 16. From birth and until the child is 16 years old the parents get 1050 SEK each month . To study at a university is free and everybody has a opportunity to get a loan and contribution each month and the amount depends on if it full-time studies, having children etc. . All these advantages are definitely something to have in mind why people choose Sweden. What is important to know is that all these advantages need a person to pay taxes and contribute to the society in the…show more content…
A positive trend is to see the place Sweden have on the Global Competitive Index. This index shows on how the country is standing in the area of productivity and prosperity around the world . The calculation is divided into institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic environment, health and primary education, higher education and training, goods market efficiency, labor market efficiency, financial market development, technological readiness, market size, business sophistication and innovation. If you take all these into calculation Sweden has gone from a global place 10 to place 9 in 2015-2016 . What is the most interesting to take a look at in a situation like this is perhaps the education, infrastructure and health and primary education since it is something that is mentioned before something that you get for free in Sweden. But that does not have to mean if it is a good one for that reason. The health and primary education is for the moment on a 20th place out of 140. A number 12 when it comes to higher education and training and 20 on infrastructure . These are absolutely not bad numbers but always good to keep striving to get better positions and perhaps wanting to have the best position in Scandinavia, which Finland with their 8th place right now

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