Academic Identity

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Name: Sheetal Vasoya Course Number: EAP1850.004S18 Section Number: G Assignment: Summary- Response Date: 02/17/2018 Halic, Olivia; Greenberg, Katherine; and Paulus Trena (2009). Language and Academic Identity: A Study of the Experiences of Non-Native English Speaking International Students. International Education, Vol. 38 Issue (2). The central idea of the article “Language and academic identity: A study of the experiences of non-native English speaking international students (by, Olivia Halic et, al, 2009)” is to explore how non-native English-speaking international students face problems in language, culture and identity in regards to graduate study. They investigated the eight subjects by using a quantitative study, which was carried…show more content…
I also had a similar experience as hers. I left my home country to pursue my graduate school in the United States. I studied English language as foreign language. In the year previous to my arrival in the U.S., I undertook intensive study of English in order to prepare for GRE and TOEFL tests. Therefore, at the time of my admission to graduate school, I felt confident in English. During my first semester of graduate school, I realized using English as primary means of communication. This overall experience was exactly similar to this author. After few conversations with friends and professor, I felt that I am not expressing my feelings and ideas fully. After few weeks I started to socialize with the friends who speak my native language. Finally, at end of six months, I realized I continuously decreased my English language use. Then, I decided to improve English speaking again, I joined few English speaking organizations and clubs, where I made new friends and started improving my language. In one of my English speaking organization, I made two Chinese friends who are also on the same page as of mine. With these Chinese friends, I felt difficult to communicate than other native English speaking friends. It was the most arduous to understand the Chinese version of English…show more content…
To maintain the generalization, this study includes international students from different countries. According to me, the adjustment and adaption takes time and effort, and it needs a lot of support from different aspects. The university is usually the first place where resources can be provided. For instance where I mentioned in my response where my English was improved by conversational groups, thus the university needs to focus on the challenges faced by international students and provide sufficient support for them. References: 1. Halic, Olivia; Greenberg, Katherine; and Paulus Trena (2009). Language and Academic Identity: A Study of the Experiences of Non-Native English Speaking International Students. International Education, Vol. 38 Issue (2). 2. Hsiao-ping Wu, Esther Garza, and Norma Guzman, “International Student’s Challenge and Adjustment to College,” Education Research International, vol. 2015, Article ID 202753, 9 pages, 2015.

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