Analysis Of Homosexuality In Nicholas Syrett's Article

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Identities have been introduced and reformed through ages of struggles and accomplishments. It is opaque; whether the identities are revealed to us in it’s completed form and background, or moulded to suit our understanding. When identities have to be made from scratch or through an effort of achieving something different from others, they automatically attract attention; may it be good or bad. Syrett, discusses a narration that elaborates on identities being found in unlikely places, and the expected reaction of such happenings. Nicholas Syrett’s article: “Boys of Beaver Meadow: A Homosexual Community at 1920s Dartmouth College”, highlights what the lifestyle and choices of a few boys attending the Dartmouth College while being a part of Beaver…show more content…
Due to the fact that the writer explains about the boys’ willingness to attract others to their opinions, it is apparent that they enjoyed this lifestyle and wanted it to be established. The main argument of the writer is to question the history of homosexuality, but in a place where its not expected to be common. Syrett, mentions the story of the boys, precisely, of Ralph Jones and McKay Patterson, to support his argument. The story speaks of two students of Dartmouth College who are also part owners of Beaver Meadow. They both had graduated but decided to continue their stay at the house. This was assumed to be because of their unwillingness to return to their homes and families and end the lifestyle they were carrying. Other students at the college began to complain about their embracing of the aesthetic life, behaving a certain way, all in the name of beauty and femininity. They conversed in particular ways and spoke of their ‘wives’ and having affairs with others. Syrett, strengthens his argument of the emergence of homosexuality in the country and its reasons, when the president, Ernest Hopkins takes note of the complaints. To validate the behaviour of the two boys, Hopkins spoke to a student who told about being taken by another student, Joseph Goodwin to the Beaver Meadow and then tempted by Jones and Patterson to consume alcohol (which was prohibited for students in college and otherwise) and partake in other activities. His concern of the two boys influencing others- after they had already begun to persuade others to alcohol consumption and sexual activities in a homosocial place- urged him to have them leave the school along with the expulsion of

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