A Dinner With A Friend Essay

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. Talk about a dinner with a friend that you had recently. Please say: - Describe your friend. - When and where was the dinner? - What were you talking about? I am a avid lover of making friends and spending time with them as it’s a way through which we can enhance our personality and become more confident. Somehow it actually adds up humorous element in life as well. A situation when I went for dinner with my friend was one of the memorable moments of my life. My best friend ………… when came back from Australia, called me up and we made plan of going out. I was really looking forward for that meet as he is a pleasing personality with loads of knowledge and intelligence. Though it was not decided that we will be going on to dinner but as we were unable to manage our time and work so we met at around 7:30 and went to Peddlers in Elante Mall. We sat on corner table and started off with ordering drinks and snacks. Simultaneously, I started asking him about changes that came into his life. He shared with me all the difficult situation and kind of things he is going through in life during that period we ordered…show more content…
He runs his own business and is a sole proprietor of firm M/s Clothex limited which deals in the manufacturing of cloths for Kids, Ladies and Gents. Due to his business compulsions he has to travel a lot to make publicity of his brand and also to take orders from his clients all over the county. As per my friend, airplane saves him much time and he is able to finish his work with high efficiency. Also, he says the cost of economy class ticket in plane is less than the 1st tier ticket in train. Finally, he tells me that the quietness in the plane makes it possible for him to take a rest between the two cities. Also, the flight attendance offers various beverages and food, and the passengers can even ask for free blankets and back cushion. I think it is because of all these reasons my friend likes to travel by
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