Descriptive Essay On Sauk Mountain

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No doubt in my mind that Sauk Mountain's summit has as much to offer in magnificent views as any other that I've trekked. If someone were to ask me what is the easiest mountain to climb with the best views, this would be it. Unless you select an obliging month, getting to Sauk’s summit can be challenging, as I found out five of the ten times I journeyed to the mountain’s base. The first two journeys in March and May of 2011, Tim and I never reached the trailhead committing most of our time and energy navigating the lower road in snowshoes after abandoning the truck several miles below the trailhead. A foggy and misty weather system hovered over the region and visibility was extremely limited, so as it turned out, when we decided to turn back again on the second visit we…show more content…
Even more astonishing, Tim and I absorbed the entire splendor in complete solitude, as no other hikers had yet to reach the east side. Somewhere down the hill there were hikers, however, they had a good deal of ground to cover prior to reaching our perch. By the time they finally did, Tim and I would have nearly an hour of sole possession of this magnificent peak. Conversation was limited as we had the option of absorbing an entire direction as our own personal euphoria. It will be an experience I will remember for a long time. When I viewed Mount Baker for the first time from Sauk’s summit, I had no idea precisely a year later I would be climbing its southern Easton Glacier in a quest for Baker’s grand summit. As for Tim, he was a little more than a week from his scheduled adventure on Rainier’s massive Emmons Glacier. A few weeks following his successful summit, Tim shared his stories and images and it’s quite possible this was the conception of my first mountain climb. Regardless whether either of us knew it or not at the time, Tim instinctively commenced on a recruiting campaign for his next

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