5 Love Language Analysis

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If you’ve ever read Gary Chapman’s “The 5 Love Languages” (and you should) then you know that God created humans, in his image, to be responsive to and to express love in five different languages. Those languages are acts of service, quality time, words of affirmation, physical touch and receiving gifts. If God has a primary love language, it must be acts of service. God asks us to demonstrate our love for Him by serving Him thereby bringing glory to His Kingdom. As Christians, our hearts and minds should be set on living a life that aims to hear those words of affirmation, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” God desires a personal relationship with each of us where we spend quality time in prayer and the study of His word. We continually…show more content…
Although the couple is aware of the one other’s primary love language, they learned something very important about themselves. The way Julia perceives love is very different from the way in which she displays love and the way Jeffrey perceives love is the same way he displays love. There in lies the problem. Although Julia perceives love in the form of acts of service, she only exhibited love for Jeffrey giving him gifts. She would always take time to pick up something special for Jeffrey at the grocery store or buy him a nice card just because and her actions seemed to be unappreciated. Why? Because Julia wasn’t communicating in a love language her husband could easily understand. Jeffrey perceives love primarily through physical touch and it is second nature for him to exhibit love in the form of physical touch. Jeffrey is often disappointed and frustrated that Julia is not as affectionate as he, especially during times when she is particularly stressed. Whenever Jeffrey is stressed, physical touch always makes him feel better, so he could not understand why his attempts to communicate love in this manner were unrequited. Jeffrey isn’t speaking a language Julia can easily…show more content…
Jeffrey now understands that if he wishes to display love in a language his wife can understand, especially when she is particularly stressed, he should volunteer to stop by the store on his way home from work or do some other thoughtful action for his wife. Julia and Jeffrey have found that when they can see the other putting forth the effort to make the other feel loved in their primary language, they develop an increased desire make their partner feel loved in their love language. The understanding of and effort to love their partner within their partner’s love language has caused Juila and Jeffrey to feel that their love for one another is reciprocated. They have become intentional about making the effort to exhibit love in the other’s language. Julia and Jeffrey don’t always get it right every time and it’s still a ton of effort on both of their parts, but they try to remember that even when they aren’t communicating properly they are still responsible for putting forth their best effort to submit to one another in love, out of reverence to
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