Pirates Of Caribean Analysis

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An analysis of translation technique in movie script is one of he way that we can use to assessing the quality of translation. Pirates of caribean is the film series that directed by Gore Verbinski, written by Ted Eliiot and Terry Rossorio, Pirates of Caribean “Slazar Revenge” is the sequel of this movie tahat created in 2017. Translation is the rederring proccess or transfering meaning from source language to source language, in this case the analysis will focus on the movie script and subtitle of pirates caribean “dead man’s chest” that translating from english to indonesia. According to Machail (2009), a language expert of University of New South Wales explined that translation is an effort to replace text of source language to the equivalence…show more content…
TL: Banyak Warga Indonesia di kapal tersebut. The Indonesian word translated to Indonesian citizen here is intended to clarify the information without altering the message contained in the word. 3. Borrowing Translation techniques that use words or phrases from the source language in the target language. Borrowing can be pure borrowing, ie borrowing without any change, such as the word "zig-zag", or in the form of naturalized borrowing, in which the word of SL is adapted to the TL spell, as the word "music" comes from the word "music". 4. Kalke (Calque) The literal translation of a word or phrase in the source language into the target language. SL: He is the new assistant manager TL: dia adalah asisten manajer yzng baru. 5. Compensation Translation technique that replaces the position of information element or stylistic effect in SL in other parts of TL because it can not be realized in the same part in TL. SL: A burning desire to share The Secret with the world consumed me. TL: Hasrat yang menyala-nyala untuk membagikan rahasia kepada dunia membakar diri saya.. (Hendrastuti, 2012: 189) 6. Description…show more content…
Example: nod your head in Indonesia translated "yes!" 17. Transposition. Translation techniques that replace the grammatical categories of source languages in the target language, for example, change the word to phrase. This technique is usually used because of the grammar between SL and TL. SL: I have no control over this condition TL: saya tidak dapat mengendalikan kondisi ini 18. Variation (Variation) Translation techniques that replace linguistic or paralinguistic elements that influence linguistic variation. For example change textual tone, style, geographical dialect, and social dialect. SL: Give it to me now! TL: berikan barang itu ke gue sekarang! Accuracy is dealing with te accuration of transposition of two language which is sorce and targetlanguage, acceptance is dealing with those translation problems, it’s proper or not with the cultural value in source language, and readibility is dealing with the translation itslf can be undestand by the reader or not. With the theory of Molina and Albir about translation technique the writter want to focus to analyze the translation technique that used in ovie script of Pirates of Caribean “Slazar’s

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