1984 Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs

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By definition, a need is something that is required because it is essential or very important for one’s survival. In 1943, Abraham Maslow developed a pyramid called Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. Each section of the pyramid; physiological, safety, love/belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization explains Maslow’s theory of the needs in life. The prioritized list of required needs must be met at each level before the next set of needs can be met and continued. These necessities are evident, or in some cases, not existent in 1984’s, totalarian government. Winston Smith lives in a society based around an ideology or figure named Big Brother, who controls the people of Oceania. In Oceania, the society is lost in the thought that Big Brother is…show more content…
However, according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, food, water, and oxygen are only a part of the most significant needs in life. In this section, the important necessities are water, food, sleep, air, shelter, warmth, and sexual relations; which Oceania is only given a portion of. Party members were given food, but the food was rationalized based on status in the Oceania. In Part two chapter four, Julia came home to Winston with a bag filled with inner party food; real sugar, coffee, tea, and milk that she stole. “It’s all Inner Party stuff. There’s nothing those swine don’t have, nothing” (Orwell 141). Additionally, sex is allowed between members of the party. However, “Its real undeclared purpose was to remove all pleasure from the sexual act” (Orwell 65). Since sex was only to reproduce, in 1984, to be “in love” was forbidden. Although, Oceania was still supplied with love, but there was only to be love for Big Brother because other alliances can limit Big Brother’s power. In Book three, Winston is tortured continuously for not loving Big Brother, and loving Julia instead. He is tormented into loving and honoring Big Brother and only Big Brother. Therefore, the basic physiological needs are met, but not to the full…show more content…
One must be safe in all aspects of life, whether safety is being protected by invaders, or feeling protected in one’s neighborhood. In Oceania, safety and protection was not an option. Big Brother wants its citizens to believe that they are always at war with Eurasia, but “The rocket bombs which fell daily on London were probably fired by the Government of Oceania itself, ‘just to keep people frightened’” (Orwell 153). The citizens of Oceania were as unsafe in their own homes as they were outside in the midst of the war. In their homes, parents feared their own children. All children were enrolled in a program called junior spies where they became “child heroes” for turning in their own parents for thought crimes. In Book three, Winston’s neighbor, parson, was turned into the thought police for stating, “Down with Big Brother,” in his sleep. Furthermore, Oceania as a whole was corrupted and controlled by Big Brother with telescreens everywhere watching one’s every move. Any threat to Big Brother’s power was vanished. “One of these days, thought Winston with sudden deep conviction, Syme will be vaporized. He is too intelligent (Orwell 53).” One could not express themselves through their natural intelligence. Therefore, Oceania lacked safety and self-actualization that affects one’s

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