The beach has played an important role of cultural expression for individuals throughout Australian history. Until the late 1980’s the beach was considered less significant than the bush. However, researches Fisk, Hodge & Turner (1987) noticed a shift toward the beach and challenged this space in the Myths of Oz. No longer was the beach regulated to hedonic popular culture, rather it had become legitimately an important place, moulding the Australian identity known today. Popular culture as defined by Fiske & Hodge (2:9) states “… peoples whole way of life, their customs and rituals, past times and pleasures including not only arts but practises such as going to the beach”. As a result of the beach became a means of cultural expression and has shaped the Australian stereotype, social classes and fashion.
Stereotypes The myth of the Australian beach has been explored and theorized overtime. In the 19th century there was a growing emphasis on the bodies of the Australian men as masculine. In 1907 the Daily Telegraph reported on the development of men from “mere weaklings to sturdy specimens” stating … “these Australian young men…show more content… This perception of a surf lifesaver poses a barrier to many members of culturally and linguistically diverse communities” (Fitzgerald, J. & Giles, C. 2007 pg. 3) Edensor, T (2002:49) supports this by saying “Bondi serves to fuel the Australian myth of sporting prowess in the performance of surfers and swimmers. This energetic, outdoor co-existence with nature is also a key theme of Australian identity”. Both myth and ‘reality TV ‘are sites of liminality where the everyday is stretched and blurred through dominant ideals and representation techniques, constantly evolving as open and ambiguous spaces of national narratives and ideals, not quite fact or