“Troy” arguably represents Hollywood’s best-known film depicting the Trojan War. Troy was based upon the work of Homer’s Iliad and depicted the journey of Achilles, who is considered one of the greatest warriors in Greek mythology, Paris, and a number other central characters as Spara and the Greeks sought to concur Troy. In doing so, the film is closely aligned with Homer’s Iliad and largely follows the same plot as the epic poem. The movie as well as the book largely focuses upon Helen of Sparta’s
The Iliad is an ancient Greek epic written by Homer which is set during the Trojan War. Throughout the Iliad, there are many different similarities and differences within each book. Helen, wife of Menelaos, was abducted by the Trojan prince Paris which is the cause of the war. Duels are very important in the Iliad and there is a duel between Paris and Menelaos in book 3. There is also a duel between Hektor and Achilles. Duels are important because whoever wins gets the glory, but it is also a psychological
A Goddess Scorned Homer’s epic poem The Iliad was translated by Robert Fagles in 1990. The Iliad is an amazing tale of the Greeks and the Trojans. The gods and goddesses though hold a much bigger part within the poem than thought of. If it weren’t for the gods taking their own sides in the matters of the Greek and Trojan War things would’ve played out much differently or maybe wouldn’t have been played out at all. The Iliad seemed to be more about Hera taking revenge on Troy and Paris for overlooking
potential for glory. The victors are able to return to their homeland glorious and proud while the defeated side sits in the ruin left behind. For the war-loving Greeks in the Iliad, the potential of honor and glory was too much to resist. The love of war led to the glorification of some individuals and the ruin of others. Within the Iliad, there were characters on both the Trojan and Greek side who possessed features of heroes and leaders. One of the great heroes Homer highlights throughout his great work
The Iliad is derived from various versions of the myth which had been passed down through generations during the five centuries following the Trojan War, most of which consisted of oral recounts. The narrative of the Trojan War in Homer’s Iliad is comprised of short stories and poems that primarily focus on the final stages of the ten-year siege and recount the battles between the prominent figures of the story in explicit detail. However, as opposed to the myth, the Iliad refers to the
In the Iliad, we considered women to be things of trade and as markers of status for the men who had them (Chryseis and Briseis, whom Agamemnon and Achilles contend over in Book I). We saw them in their ordinary social parts as moms and wives (Hecuba, Andromache in Book VI). We saw cliché portrayals of them as whimsical (Helen in Book VI), alluring, and misleading (Hera in Book XIV). We consider them to be a hindrance that the male saint needs to overcome or oppose to satisfy his gallant fate (Andromache's
4. Helen’s Divine Beauty: Asset or Liability? No rounded discussion of the beauty of Helen would be complete without an inclusion of the divine nature to which her beauty is credited. Throughout the work we, as readers, can infer subtle allusions focused at Helen’s divine heritage, one such line can be found in her mention of the ‘day my mother gave me to the world’ mentioned earlier within the discussion of book six. This line summons to mind, the well-known tale of Helen’s creation, she was conceived
starting to lose motivation. The warriors are exhausted and need someone to inspire them and to lead them to victory. In short, they need a hero: someone who is strong, brave, and willing to sacrifice themselves for others. In Homer’s epic poem The Iliad, he demonstrates his definition of a hero through the character of Achilles. Some readers are unwilling to call Achilles a true hero because of his selfishness, loathing, and barbaric anger. However, throughout the story Achilles becomes an ideal
is able to find a balance between two states, therefore resulting in actions that are very admirable. One considered of high glory for the public eye, and one of self-improvement and kindness. Even if Achilles is a static character throughout the Iliad, the characteristics he demonstrates end up being the most well rounded. While they both try to win glory and victor yin war for their families, country and themselves, they have very different courses of action and thoughts. They are both presented
Much of what is known regarding the myth of the Trojan War is contained within the epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer, the famous epic poet writing in 8th century BCE. In his works, Homer details the siege of Troy led by Menelaus, the King of Sparta, after Helen, Menelaus’s wife, runs off with Paris, a Trojan prince. While Helen may seem solely responsible for the war at Troy at first glance, her role in the context of the entire situation, that is the myth of the Trojan War, suggests