Glory In The Iliad

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War has the unique ability of releasing an animalistic side of human nature. For thousands of years, it has stripped individuals of their humanity leaving behind shells of the people they once were. Even though history has shown the damage war can cause, wars are still fought without mercy all over the world. One of the appeals war contains is the potential for glory. The victors are able to return to their homeland glorious and proud while the defeated side sits in the ruin left behind. For the war-loving Greeks in the Iliad, the potential of honor and glory was too much to resist. The love of war led to the glorification of some individuals and the ruin of others. Within the Iliad, there were characters on both the Trojan and Greek side who possessed features of heroes and leaders. One of the great heroes Homer highlights throughout his great work is Hector. Hector was one of the princes of Troy and he was admired by men for his leadership ability. “The Trojans were led by great Hector, son of Priam, in his shining helmet. His contingent was far the largest and the best, Arrayed for battle, resolute with their spears.” Not only was he admired, but Hector also displayed throughout the book characteristics that were desirable for strong leaders to have. For…show more content…
His mother was a goddess which gave him an elevated status among men and importance among the Olympian gods. This hero was fated to live a short life but a life that was filled with honor. Throughout the epic, Achilles is constantly looking for ways to achieve the glory he desires. One of the ways he gains recognition is his success on the battle field. “But the son of Peleus pressed on to glory, his invincible hands spattered with gore.” Achilles was able to complete the most horrific act within the book and at the same time perform a great act of kindness. This man became living menis and for a short period of time, ceased to be

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