American History

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  • Melting Science Lesson

    443 Words  | 2 Pages

    This week I have been teaching all day long. It was a good week. As usual, I have had a few rough days, but some good days too. More students are becoming attached to me, which is great and sad all at the same time. In the back of my mind, I know that I am leaving them a week from today and that is so sad. I truly will miss them. Last week for the melting science lesson, I melted a crayon on canvas. I took the canvas home and finished the melting process and this week, I brought it back so

  • Censorship Proposal: Annotated Bibliography

    282 Words  | 2 Pages

    SC received VM from Pa’s dtr (Alisa) on 10/05/2015. SC placed phone call to Alisa who reported that Pa is in rehab at Sounders House Nursing Home in Wynnewood, PA. Pa was admitted to Lankenau Hospital in August for planned Gallbladder surgery and while he was recovering from that produce he had a massive heart attack. Pa remained the hospital for roughly two weeks. Pa was discharged to Sounders House for rehab in September, 2015 and has been there since. Alisa reported that Pa has a couples weeks

  • Most Transformative Learning Analysis

    1255 Words  | 6 Pages

    Education can easily be described as an institution, generally a school or university, where students acquire new knowledge and skills for a variety of academic subjects in a systematic way. School systems put a high importance on achieving straight A’s on a report card, being a leader in clubs, and being a captain on athletic teams. Society then values the importance of an education in the form of a degree that paves a student’s path to find a decent paying job in a selected industry. However,

  • Disadvantages Of Working Collaboratively In An Online Community

    1726 Words  | 7 Pages

    Throughout the unit Learning and Communicating Online through Swinburne University my role as a consumer, producer and sharer of information for professional and academic communication has developed greatly by studying learning methods, ways of communicating online and sources of information. My work throughout the unit involving Metzger’s criteria has helped me to understand how to evaluate the credibility of online sources of information in an academic environment. I have also been able to exploit

  • Mesopotamian Art Vs Greek Art

    626 Words  | 3 Pages

    Compare/Contrast of Chapters one and two: Pre-history and Mesopotamia Art has many forms and there are many ways in which it can be defined and conceived, but there are many ways in which art can be distinguished, based either on the style of the art or the time zone in which it was created. Today, we will be discussing the similarities and differences between the prehistoric and Mesopotamian art and how they are influenced by each other and their current civilizations. First, we will focus on prehistory

  • Personal Narrative: A Career In High School

    562 Words  | 3 Pages

    I was jealous at the simplicity of her life. For the majority of her life she lived in a place much different than mine, much more free. When she was a mere child, her days consisted of playing in the fields and making dolls out of corn husks, while I spent my day at school on my best behavior to avoid the reputation-killer of pulling my red card. As she transitioned into her teenage years, she spent her days helping her mom around the house because she was now old enough to take on more responsibilities

  • Intasc Standard 5

    605 Words  | 3 Pages

    Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice. Wong and Wong discuss a lot of aspects that come together to make an effective teacher, but one they reiterate throughout The First Days of School is that a “professional educator is always learning and growing” (Wong & Wong, p. 301), and standard 9 of the InTASC Standards addresses just this. Professional learning is not limited to attending conferences or joining a professional organization, though these things are extremely important, it

  • Analysis Of The Article 'Is The Internet Making USupid'

    490 Words  | 2 Pages

    Analysis of a Text ‘‘Is The Internet Making Us Stupid’’ is an article written by Nathanael Enwald from the University of Wisconsin. The author gives us many accurate points of view on how the Internet is making people less and less interested about knowing what’s the essence of that piece of information. What he emphasizes on is that people just look up information on Google, copy and paste them, and get credit for them. In my point of view, I truly believe that the

  • Robert Harris On The Purpose Of A Liberal Arts Education

    807 Words  | 4 Pages

    A Life with a Liberal Arts Education As a freshman choosing a major at a liberal arts university, many students wonder why they are required to take literature if they want to major in business or why they have to take math if they want to major in theatre. Author, Robert Harris, in his essay “On the Purpose of a Liberal Arts Education,” published in 1991, answers these questions. Harris gives much evidence to support his idea that acquiring a liberal arts education is valuable. An

  • American Education Reform Research Paper

    1538 Words  | 7 Pages

    Paper 1 American Education Reform A common thread in everythe average Aamerican child’s life is waking up too early for their liking and going to school, still partially asleep. Most students can agree that school takes up a majority of their life and time. Spending hours and hours just to perfect that diorama or staying up late to study. Education is easily one of the most important aspects in a kid's life, but school as a whole wasn’t always this common. Once long ago (or perhaps not that