Women's Suffrage Movement Essay

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The suffrage movement was very effective and it has achieved great success. It gave women the right to vote and as well gave women a greater voice in the realm of politics. In the mid-19th century, Women in several countries made their name known in the woman suffrage movement. In 1888, the first international women’s organization formed the international council of women. The main leaders in the woman’s suffrage movement were Susan.B.Anthony,Alice Paul,Lucretta Mott, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton . You are Probably thinking why would you want to know about the woman suffrage movement? Well in a few you will see. As we take a look into the woman suffrage movement, the time period of which it occurred, during the nineteenth-century. The conference…show more content…
Both Lucretta Mott, a women's rights activist, abolitionist and religious reformer and Elizabeth cady Stanton worked effortlessly to make the movement phenomenal. Women all around worked with these two wonderful women to have a organization of many social and reform issues. By that they helped promote suffrage, better the school system, the regulation of child labor, women in unions, and liquor…show more content…
They liked things the way they were. They didn't really care for the change. Women who held traditional gender roles argued that polities were improper for women. Some insisted that voting might cause woman to grow beard’s which was very silly. The challenge for political, economic, and social equality was as threatening to some women as it was to most men. As the women's suffrage movement ended in 1920 there hard worked paid off on August 18, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted American women the right to vote because of the woman suffrage movement. Before the law was passed women had gained the right to vote in 4 states. They include wyoming,colorado,idaho, and utah. There would be no equality today for women let alone black women if it wasn’t for the suffrage movement and many more organizations for women. As you take a look into history women have migrated into something much more powerful and
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