Women's Pay During The Industrial Revolution

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In the Industrial Revolution, there were multiple jobs that women without children could hold in order to earn money. However, between 50-66% of women in the Industrial Revolution who earned their money outside of their homes earned it by becoming domestic servants. As the middle class grew in size and wealth, the need for domestic servants increased. Before the Industrial Revolution, men and women domestic servants were about equal in numbers. However, after industrialization these statistics had changed from about 50% of servants being women to about 91.5% of English and 82.9% of French servants being women. Wonderful working conditions were not always available in the Industrial Revolution. Working conditions as a domestic servant were particularly poor, especially as a woman. Servants were expected to work sixteen plus hours per day in hostile environments where if their abilities to perform their duties were hindered, such as falling ill or becoming pregnant, they would be terminated. The problem with this was that “many servants were degraded by their employers, and often raped and abused.” If the woman servant happened to become pregnant as a…show more content…
The first gender gap that these women faced was a staggering difference in their wages compared to men. Even with industrialization, women were only making 1/3-1/2 of men’s wages. Although new jobs were becoming available to women, these jobs were usually previously held by a male and downgraded in status and pay for a woman. Even though these women were working the same jobs as men once had, they made significantly less in wages simply for being a woman. Single women were making just enough in wages to cover their rent, but not extras such as food or clothing. Therefore it became a goal of the single working class woman to get married in order to have a husband to help take care of

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