Women Nurses In The Civil War Essay

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The roles of women and men were very strict. Specifically for occupations in the medical field. For example, midwifery, once a trade for a woman has been taken over by man in the nineteenth century. The requirement of licensing for doctors and nurses had labeled occupations in the medical field as professional. Therefore, women were immediately disqualified to partake in medical occupations of any kind in the workplace. Ironically, women were expected to be nurse figures in the home. According to Ann Douglas Wood, author of the article, The War Within A War: Women Nurses In The Union Army, this role was named, “glorified bed watcher” (197). Men valued this position as long as it was at home and not as a professional. William A. Alcott, referenced in Ann Wood’s article, explains that women were seen as amazing caretakers due to their selflessness and nurturing nature (198).…show more content…
The Civil War became women’s opportunity to gain medical skills needed to prove they were worthy of the professional title. The war demanded more medical assistance and the men doctors and nurses did not provide the numbers the war demanded. This resulted in many woman stepping up to volunteer as nurses in army hospitals and out in the battlefield although their capabilities were often doubted. One notable army nurse of the Civil War of many others was Helen L. Gilson. Gilson’s natural leadership enabled her to succeed in establishing effective aid to needy troops on the home front, her determination and passion led her to gain a position where she thrived caring for the ill and wounded out on the battlefield, and lastly her passion to care for others left her with a supreme legacy that deflated the prejudice of both woman versus male roles and race which were told by those who knew her including the soldiers she looked

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