Women In The Victorian Era

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Women in the time of the Victorian era were regarded as temples of love and purity, innocent beings who need protection and so, they are not able to go for work that involve being physical or for casual sex. The only role that these women take on were as housewives, and as some literature say, “angels of the house”, to get married and look after the homely work. The women were also to act like nurses who will take care of the sick. They basically manage the house, including making of meals for their family members besides those they were also the ones making clothes for everyone in the family and they also grew what their families ate. In short, they were held responsible for sewing, knitting and painting the clothes. They make sure that the home is a soothing place of comfort for them, which includes the husband and their children. There were also myths during the…show more content…
By law during the Victorian era, a married woman is considered to be a property of a man or her husband and her possessions including her children, belong to him which was influenced in the Christian Bible. Conceptions of women’s passive sexual nature, added to ideas about possessive patriarchal individualism, equal male dominance. Lord Henry is one of the characters in the novel, “The Picture of Dorian Gray” that had said a lot with regards to women. In a part of the novel, Lord Henry uttered, “No women is a genius. Women are a decorative sex. They never have anything to say, but they say it charmingly.” There is a chance that what he had just said were correct or at least can be considered as correct since Lord Henry has been studying women. Dorian had felt some disappointment telling him with regards to Sibyl, but mentions that he felt some constrain to tell him, since Lord Henry was the cause why he had met
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