Gilgamesh Archetypal

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Dieter Ostermann Ms. Kratochwill-Jones English 10 – B1 February 12th, 2015 Gilgamesh Gilgamesh was an ancient Babylonian king whose story is still prevalent today. He was a brave and smart warrior who tragically lost his best friend and went on a quest to find immortality. Gilgamesh also laid out the basic structure of all future archetypal heroes. While the actual Gilgamesh reigned in Uruk around the 26th century B.C., the composition of the story dates to around the 17th century B.C, placing it a good thousand years before the Iliad and Odyssey. [Brown] This is important because the epic gives a starting place for analyzing influences of later literary works, including the Bible, which shares much of its story of Noah and the great flood…show more content…
Gilgamesh goes to seek out an ancient seer known as Utnapishtim who has, along with his wife, received the gift of immortality. The tale of how he earns this is one which is very similar tale in the Bible known as the Great flood with Noah taking Utnapishtim’s place. I was its king once, a long time ago, when the great gods decided to send the Flood. Five gods decided, and they took an oath to keep the plan secret: Anu their father, the counselor Enlil, Ninurta the gods’ chamberlain, and Ennugi the sheriff. Ea also, the cleverest of the gods, had taken the oath, but I heard him whisper the secret to the reed fence around my house. Reed fence, reed fence, listen to my words. King of Shuruppak, quickly, quickly tear down your house and build a great ship, leave your possessions, save your life. The ship must be square, so that its length equals its width. Build a roof over it, just as the Great Deep is covered by the earth. Then gather and take aboard the ship examples of every living creature. ( Anonymous, The Epic of…show more content…
Many generations of heroes and heroines have been shaped by his story as it is easy to relate to Gilgamesh's quest for immortality and the hope of every man and woman that they will not be forgotten in the annals of history. The life of Gilgamesh also helped guide storytellers such as Homer and the writers who transcribed the tales of Achilles and Odysseus by setting the example of what mankind should aspire to be and, yet, also highlighting unethical traits that may come with influence and power. The Epic of Gilgamesh also provided a stepping stone in the foundation of beliefs for people who believe in the great flood of the Bible and the religions that also pertain towards Biblical stories by providing a plausible connection of such things and providing comfort to those who may have doubts. Gilgamesh and his not so simple life has helped the world of literature and culture in many ways that other possible figures could never claim thus validating his right as one of the most legendary rulers and historical figures to walk the
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