Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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Have you ever took a long trip and heard the word odyssey, this comes from the hero Odysseus. Everyone knows about the gods and goddesses of Mt. Olympus, but not that many people know about the heroes of ancient times. Odysseus went on a trip that took him a total of twenty years, called the odyssey. It took bravery, cleverness, and resourcefulness to return safely back to his home. His parents and wife must have been in tears when he didn’t come home, but no, his wife kept the kingdom together and was loyal to him for twenty years. Odysseus’ journey took him twenty years, but he had the brains and the bronze to keep it together and survive to make it home. What is an Odyssey you might ask yourself, well, an Odyssey is a long journey…show more content…
The first encounter of Odysseus’ journey was the island of the sirens. The sirens were a hybrid between a woman and a bird. These monsters would sing beautiful songs that would distract the captain to run into the jagged rocks of the island. With Odysseus’ quick thinking he told his men to put wax in their ears so they would not be distracted. Also, Odysseus's bravery helped him come back alive. Some acts of bravery Odysseus had during his journey were when he faced the monster Charybdis. This was a monster who could create enormous whirlpools. Odysseus’ ship could have been torn to pieces, but Odysseus had the bravery to steer him and his crew out of…show more content…
Also, he had an amazing wife named Penelope. Furthermore, Odysseus lived a very peaceful life with his family, until the Trojan War. Odysseus left hoping to return in a month after the war started, but it did not go as planned. When Odysseus was on his journey, Penelope waited patiently for him to return. Penelope, while waiting patiently, kept the kingdom in order. Everyone was saying he’s dead, he’s no more, but she didn’t listen to them, she stayed loyal and waited and waited. Penelope knew in her heart that Odysseus would return safely back to the kingdom, because of his bravery and cleverness. Finally, Odysseus’ had battled many monsters through his journey. During the long years Odysseus had been at sea travelling, he had been faced with many different opponents. To begin with, some of the monsters and the troubles he faced were the bag of winds, Polyphemus the Cyclops, he traveled through the underworld, passed the island of the sirens, and finally conquered the monsters Scylla and Charybdis. “ Odysseus and his men barely escaped from Polyphemus with their lives, but not before blinding him. As they sailed away, Polyphemus hurled a boulder into the sea that only barely missed his boat” (Gall
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